
Tyndale's New Book Club eNewsletter & 30 Day Giveaway

  Tyndale House Publishers

Tyndale House Publishing is having 30 days of giveaway and it's easy to enter some really great books.  As part of Tyndale's new book club eNewsletter, you can click here and check out the latest giveaways and enter.  You can enter one, two or all that you want.

Fireflies in December  The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven

Today's books are:

  1. Fireflies in December
  2. The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven
It's a great way to learn about new books, win some great books and make some friends when you spread the word about the giveaway and newsletter.  

You can become a fan of Tyndale on Facebook here.

1 comment:

  1. I would like these books


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