
That Mama is a Grouch and That Baby Woke Me Up, AGAIN! Book Reviews


That Mama is a Grouch by Sherry Ellis is a delightful book that surprised me at first as I thought it was written by my children about me!  I suppose many moms can relate to this cute story but it has a great message for children to learn and it shows them that it's not just their mom that might appear to be grouchy from time to time.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading it to them and liked watching their reaction when they realized what they could do to help their mom more.  The situations that children could relate to are common enough in that it hits home with them.  They are able to understand that if they create the same situations such as making messes without cleaning up, their mom won't be too happy and for a good

The finale of having the discussion about feelings was brilliant in helping children understand where us moms (or dads) are coming from.  It might even be an eye opener to some that explaining feelings and emotions might just go further than yelling.  I loved the book and can't wait to see more from Ms. Ellis.  The illustrations by Don Berry were eye catching and "cutsy" to catch the little one's attention.  We're getting close to moving to a new state but I'm not packing this one away until the very end.

I would recommend this book to any family as it has a great lesson to learn.


That Baby Woke Me Up, AGAIN! also written by Sherry Ellis and illustrated by Don Berry is another wonderful book introducing a chapter from life to our children.  Many children understand how a new addition can affect their lives but I think the most memorable one for me was being waken up through the night.  The story of interrupted dreams, frustrations and missed sleep is narrated by a big sister and how she tries to cope.  It's a great book to show that the sleepless nights are just temporary and that it's a normal situation when a child has a new brother or sister.

I also enjoyed how Ms. Ellis used rhyming versus as for me, it's catchy and my children tend to be more entertained.   We have a baby in our house but they are lucky in that they don't have their sleep interrupted.  If they had, this would have been the ideal book to show they aren't alone and that it's just a passing phase.

Great places to stay up to date with Ms. Ellis:

  • Click here to learn more about Ms. Ellis.
  • Click here for her blog.
  • Click here for her Facebook page.
  • Click here for her Facebook fan page.
  • Click here for her Twitter page.

That Baby Woke Me Up, AGAIN and That Mama is a Grouch can be purchased at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Baker and Taylor, Ingram, Books a Million and Blue Manatee Bookstore (Cincinati).

I would recommend this book especially to parents with new babies and older siblings.

*Disclosure:  These reviews of Sherry Ellis' books are part of the Stories For Children World of Ink book tour.  I received complimentary copies for the purposes of this review.

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