
SpellQuizzer Review: Perfect Way to Teach Spelling Words

I have just made the leap in a new homeschooling decision.  After my middle child finishes this year in a public school system, I've decided to homeschool her and her younger sister mostly because we are an Army family and we keep moving around.  I feel the disruption of moving around every three or four years is a lot to take on and with both my children having chronic medical conditions, I also want to be able to help control their absences since the schools have definite policies on it.  I don't want to have to encourage my child to go to school when she's not at her best because I'm afraid of her falling further behind or catching grief over her attendance.  As I proceed with preparation, I'm looking for tools that will help and this great online software called SpellQuizzer is perfect!

My daughter currently has weekly spelling tests and had I had this before now, it would have helped her study so much better.  SpellQuizzer is a great tool for parents in teaching their children how to spell.  With the use of a microphone and speakers, you can set up the spelling lists you need and the child can practice on their own or with your help however you choose is best for your child.  My children love computers so this is a great way to continue in their education with computer software and programs as well as learning fundamental skills like spelling that is crucial to their success.

SpellQuizzer main screen - click to see all screen shots.

Priced at only $29.95 with a guarantee your child will improve their test scores, you can't lose.  I've tried flashcards, memorization and repeat writing of each word.  We have struggled this whole year with trying to get 100%.  Now when she practices, SpellQuizzer will check the word as she types in from the audio recording, if incorrect, it notifies her and it will retest that word after the first pass of the spelling list.  The intro screen is easy to maneuver and if you need to add or delete a word, it's just as easy as creating the list.  You can click here to see a demonstration of the child using SpellQuizzer.

SpellQuizzer runs on any PC using Windows to include Vista and Windows 7.  I've had problems with other software using Vista and Windows 7 but had no issues.  The software loaded effortlessly and everything ran so smoothly.  The software is easy enough for a child to use which is ideal as you don't want to spend as much time teaching how to use the software as to teach the lesson.  You can even download a free trial here.

SpellQuizzer is a company that I feel is for parents in helping children achieve success.  They even have a page of resources to other educational software and more.

Overall, I love SpellQuizzer and now I want a MathQuizzer (please)!

Keep up to date with SpellQuizzer on Facebook and follow on Twitter.

If you want to win a copy, go over to MamaBuzz and enter now!

I was provided a SpellQuizzer software license free of charge for the sole purpose of this review; no other compensation was received. All opinions expressed are my own.

This is a Mama Buzz review. The product was provided by TedCo Software for this review.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great product I will have to test it out! Thank you


Thank you!