
Power Rangers Samurai: EmPOWER Movement

I find it kind of neat that the same show my now 22 year old loved is still going strong and my two younger girls enjoy it too.  In fact, they were playing Power Rangers earlier and I decided to partake in the fun until my three year old started pounding on my right forearm and it still hurts!  Tonight, the Power Rangers premiered a new episode called Power Rangers Samurai on Nickeldeon.

One of the things you may not have noticed about Power Rangers is they do teach a universal message in every episode which is solving challenges through team work.  The Power Rangers emPOWER Movement provides parents and children the tools to work together to grow healthy children and support healthy communities.  The Power Rangers values include:

  • Standing for what is right
  • Teamwork and cooperation
  • Confidence
  • Health and physical fitness
  • Caring and friendship
emPOWER logo

Those are all qualities that should be developed in children and taken into adulthood.  I love each and every one of them.   You can read more about the Power Rangers emPOWER Movement here.  You can get some cool fitness tips, ways to empower schools and much more along with episodes, games and downloads.  While your at it, why not nominate your little Power Ranger as the "Ranger of the Week?"  It's free and what child doesn't like to see them spotlighted?

Every week, the emPOWER website will feature a new young person who's making a difference in their family, school or community.  I think I'll nominate my daughter for her work in helping other children with epilepsy.  At age five, she was diagnosed with epilepsy and two years later, she's still living with it along with pediatric migraines.   That hasn't stopped her as a year ago, she started a non-profit that not only provides gift bags to children in the hospital and at the local Ronald McDonald House but she also won a Pepsi Refresh Grant to move forward in her endeavor. 

There is always something available to provide children with positive messages and role models.  During January and February 2011, gym kits including fitness guides and bulletin board messages will be delivered among 4500 participating schools.  This is a great idea to motivate and give schools a chance in winning a $10,000 donation to their physical education program.  Read more at

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You can catch the trailer here:

One2One Network

* I wrote this post in my participation with the One2One Network and I may win a gift card.

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