
Time to Vote for Centrum Ultra Women's America's Most Amazingly Energized Woman

Did you nominate someone for the Centrum Ultra Women's America's Most Amazingly Energized Woman?  If you did or even if you did not, it's time to vote for one of these five women here.

Teri Sofsky 

Teri Sofsky, Ocala, FL

Wonder Woman, Super Woman, and the Bionic Woman do not hold a candle to my wife, the mother of our 4 children (ages 6 months to seventeen). Her platter (not plate) is always full! Carpooling kids to school, volunteering at a local thrift store, assisting friends with odds and ends, exercising at the gym and feeding the local homeless in our community on a weekly basis are just a few of her many triumphs. Obtaining her second post-graduation degree, handles all 3am feedings, manages our household finances and cooks a family dinner most every night. She does it all thru her love for God, her family, and others. And with all of this on her plate on most every day, she still finds time to slip away and give me a little time for just ourselves. She is an incredible wife and keeps our family soo well balanced. She is my Super Hero!

Bernadette O'Brien

Bernadette O'Brien, Glen Rock, NJ

Bernadette O'Brien, who turned 80 in November, has been my water aerobics instructor for the past three years. You never met a more energetic lady! Before she retired, she was principal of PS 9 in New York City. Since her retirement, she has become an excellent physical instruction teacher. About 40 faithfuls take her class in water aerobics twice a week at the YMHA in Wayne, NJ or in the Glen Rock, NJ pool in the summer. In addition, Bernadette teaches Yoga and Tai Chi in the water once a week. Not only that, she participates in three additional water aerobics classes at the Y every week. She even has a brown belt in karate! Bernadette makes exercise so much fun that you forget you are working out. Just today, our class (women ranging from 50 to 83) attempted synchronized swimming. Bernadette just took a test for an additional prestigious water instructor certification - the next oldest person to her taking that exam was only 29. She is a dedicated member of the Glen Rock Chapter of the Red Hat Ladies, and enjoys socializing, seeing plays, and marching in parades with her fellow members. She is a devoted grandmother to several grandchildren, including one special child who happens to be deaf. This Christmas, Bernadette is preparing to host twelve people for dinner. She will then leave for Puerto Rico, where she will study new water aerobics instruction techniques for four months with her special advisor. She always has a smile on her face and makes us smile and laugh as we become healthier under her tutelage. Bernadette is the most energetic 80-year old woman I know, and all of us in our water aerobics class think she is the perfect candidate for your award (plus, she even takes Centrum Silver).

Autumn Moricz

Autumn Moricz, Pinckney, MI

Loving us and wishing nothing but happiness and prosperity for our family is what keeps my wife going. She is the most energized person I know. Around the holidays she kicks it into full gear. She works overnight from 2am to 12 noon Monday through Friday and takes care of all of us here at home. Our kids happiness comes first and she makes sure we all stay active and involved in family and our community. How she manages to work, take care of our 3 kids (with one more on the way) and still make time to be a scout leader and active volunteer at the kids school is impressive. It is all about time management and making all the pieces fall into place. With her scheduling and adventures of the day it all falls into place.

Kathleen Selman

Kathleen Selman, Tampa, FL 

Kathleen Selman is the wife of an active-duty career US Army Officer, who is often deployed. They have a blended family with five children and are currently stationed on MacDill AirForce Base. Kathleen also works full-time in the healthcare field, and in her free time fosters underage kittens for the Humane Society of Tampa Bay and volunteers her time for Hope Children's Home, which houses 80 orphans. Her most important time is spent with her children though and she loves to see them happy and healthy. Weekends are packed with trips to the Zoo, the Aquarium, the Science Museum or participating in beach clean-ups. Her secret to achieving great health during the holidays: Don't stress out, have fun. Life is short. Take your Centrum Vitamin in the morning with a glass of juice and live your life without worrying about getting sick and not being able to attend all of those fun holiday events with family and friends. Her secret to balancing life and love during the holidays: When your soldier husband is able to be home during the holidays, make an amazing meal, decorate the house and make the holidays extremely fun and stress-free! Most importantly, make sure you enjoy all those little moments with you children (baking cookies, decorating the tree, viewing Christmas Lights). Life is too short not to be happy and to spend an amazing time with your family! Thank you.

Leanna Loud

Leanna Loud, Mt. Pleasant, SC
She wakes up in the morning, trying not to think of the first thing that enters her mind, turns her aching, beat up body and swings her legs over the edge of her bed. As her toes hit the floor, she takes a deep breath. She walks into the kitchen and sees her three children waiting and ready for breakfast. She smiles, knowing that every smile matters. She is tired, but she never wants her kids to know what it is like without her. So she pulls from within her deepest core, and finds the energy and strength to hear their laughter and help them plan their days. These are the moments that she cherishes, the reason she digs deep and finds energy every single day. Today is the walk, so after she takes time with her precious family, she pulls on her running shorts, laces up her shoes, and feels the adrenaline rise from her belly. She has $2,000 riding on her walking this race, and she refuses to let any of her donors down! She is a mom. She is a woman. She is proud. And she is a cancer fighter. Pushing through Invasive ductal carcinoma - breast cancer - as a young woman, with children and a husband to take care of, she fights to energize herself for them every day. As she walks the Susan G. Komen Walk on October 16, 2010, she inspires millions. To get up, get to it, and not live with an excuse. Live with a purpose, an energy, and a faith. She is Leanna Loud, and she is the most energized woman I have known in 2010.... by strides!

The grand prize winner will win dozens of exciting adventures to share with everyone she cares about. Four runner-ups will also win great prizes.

Limit one (1) vote per e-mail address per day. Be sure to check back on February 2, 2011 when they announce our grand prize winner! 

1 comment:

  1. I am trying to eat less processed food and more organic and fresh food.
    Diane Baum


Thank you!