
Cinch! by Cynthia Sass Book Review

It's the new year and with that comes all the people wanting to lose weight including myself.  This year, I've resolved not to just lose weight but to get healthy.  I realized that it's a state of mind and an alteration of habits to promote a lifetime of healthy eating.  Fad diets are a course to losing weight while being miserable whereas changing a lifestyle is an all around great way to feeling better, having more energy and hopefully living longer.  As part of my membership with the One2One Network, I received a complimentary copy of Cynthia Sass' new book titled Cinch!: Conquer Cravings, Drop Pounds, and Lose Inches.  

Cynthia is the coauthor of the successful Flat Belly Diet and has researched further into newer ways to become even more effective in the pursuit of getting healthier.  The book features the "why" of what each component of the diet backed by research that lends credibility to the approach which I like.  It's also full of recipes that makes following the plan much easier than someone telling you which food groups are permissible and which are not.

Cynthia also promotes organic foods and provides the research to back why it's better.  She also provides  tips on how to eat organic without busting the bank account and includes a resource of many other questions that are not exclusively to the Cinch diet plan.  She covers all aspects of getting healthier from choosing the right food, how the foods work together to maximize results, the importance of exercise and getting in the right mental state to be successful.  She clearly understands that getting healthy is an all around evolution to past, bad habits.

I definitely recommend the book to get a good idea on how important food is to your body and if you are struggling to lose weight, the concept is great with the start of a 5-day, 5-food fast forward phase full of good healthy foods.  The plan offers up to a seven pound weight loss in the first five days and 15 pounds in 30 days.

Want more Cynthia, check out these links:

  • Click here for more tips and informative reading
  • Follow Cynthia on Twitter
  • Like her on Facebook
  • Click here for her site

You can pre-order at any of the sites below:

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for this review.

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