
Be The Biggest Loser At Home with Cheerios Multi-Grain Cheerios

Have you taken that step in getting healthier?  I have but I incorporated help from my family to get me there when I started a Facebook Get Healthier for Life challenge with them.  Inspired by The Biggest Loser, the winner is chosen by the greatest percentage lost and will receive $100.  I figured this is a great incentive for me because I don't want to give away $100 but then it's a great motivator for them.  With The Biggest Loser and my enrollment with Weight Watchers Online, I'm using General Mills MultiGrain Cheerios to achieve the goal of getting healthier.

Be the Biggest Loser at home with MultiGrain Cheerios

When you purchase a box of MultiGrain Cheerios, inside is a special code to access this site with great tips and tools to help achieve your goals.  I can eat one cup of MultiGrain Cheerios for 3 Weight Watcher points which is pretty good since these little things are portable and can be treated as a snack or for anytime with some fat-free milk.  The website offers a seven day plan to get you started which is what I'm using.


The plan provides suggested menus and exercise plans that can be printed.   There are great recipes to supplement and remove some of the boredom from that four letter dreadful word of DIET.  As a bonus, you get Bob motivator videos that I just love.

Judy Joyce

My plan is to:

  • Stick to the suggested meal plans in conjunction with my point counting with Weight Watchers and include my daily intake of Cheerios just because not only do I like them but my younger daughters love them.
  • Exercise daily
  • Tune into my favorite show, The Biggest Loser.  My daughter and I have watched that show for many seasons and I find true inspiration in the contestants and Bob and Jillian.

Disclosure:  MultiGrain Cheerios has provided me with the product, information, prize pack, and giveaway.

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