
60 Day SlimDown System with Lindsay Brin Review

60 Day SlimDown System - Get your Body BackI think nearly every woman can relate how the new year approaches, New Year's resolutions abound with the typical one of losing weight.  I have the same one year after year but this year, I changed the resolution simply to 'getting healthier for myself and family.'  To me, this is much more sensible as losing weight is about getting healthier by eating right and exercising.  I had a chance to try out Lindsay Brin's DVD in 2010 and loved her high energy.  When given the chance to try the Lindsay Brin 60 Day SlimDown System, I couldn't pass that up.  If you don't know anything about Lindsay, you will grow to love her from her workouts to her blog.  Lindsay, to me, is a real woman who has had children and understands how difficult it is to lose the weight although you can't tell by looking at her as she's fabulous.

The beauty of the 60 Day SlimDown System is variety.  Lindsay provides the tools necessary to ensure success with a downloadable SlimDown packet.  The packets is full of everything you need such as a 60 day calendar, a 60 day meal plan and more.  They are easy to follow and for those that need more direction, this is perfect.  It's also great for anyone as studies have shown that those who log their exercise and food intake, tend to have more success.

The 60 Day SlimDown System works within the first 10 days by increasing your metabolism and shedding pounds.  When you workout with Lindsay, you will understand as the workouts our chalked full of routines that get you moving and are easy to follow.  They are not full of elaborate moves that make it difficult for the uncoordinated (i.e. me).

All of Phase 1 workouts can be done in 30 minutes which is wonderful for those that don't have a lot of time or can't get hour long blocks due to work, kids and so forth.  I'm constantly interrupted by a house full of young children so having something in 30 minutes is ideal for me.  Phase 2 increases the challenge thus increasing the loss with all workouts being under 45 minutes.  It's a nice gradual evolution into adding the challenge when you are most likely ready versus throwing in a workout too hard to complete and you feel more compelled to drop out.  Phase 3 is geared towards seeing results after the initial 60 days.  Lindsay has thought of everything to offer this comprehensive, easy to follow plan to get you healthier.  The only thing you need are a set of 1-2 pound weights.

The 60 Day SlimDown System includes four DVDs:

  1. Lindsay Brin CFS Method
  2. Lindsay Brin Core Metabolic Jumpstart
  3. Lindsay Brin Postnatal Boot Camp
  4. Lindsay Brin Shed 5 Fast
The workouts include three levels ideal for each fitness level.  This is a great feature as some movements are too advanced for some of us with little activity.  As I noted, when you find something too hard, you are probably more likely to drop out whereas Lindsay's program has it covered.  When you click here, you can view trailers of the workouts to get an ideal of how the workouts are geared.

It really is a great workout program for any woman, whether a mom or not.  Lindsay is high energy and motivational.  The fact she has had children appeals to me because she was able to end up looking like this with her program so I know it works.  The workouts left me challenged, sore and with the knowledge that when I follow the program for 60 days, I will look amazing!  I look forward to seeing my end result and definitely recommend this program to anyone wanting to feel better and look great.

You can buy Lindsay's 60 Day SlimDown System for $49.99 and if you use this special coupon code '60daydvd30', you can save 30% off but hurry as the coupon code expires January 31st!

Lindsay's site is full of great information that includes:

  • Weight Loss Tools - weight loss calculator, metabolism/bmr, goal setting, meal plan and tracker
  • Quick Recipes - kids size, family size and Lindsay's family food journal
  • Get the Skinny - food & exercise, pregnancy, post pregnancy, exercise FAQ and how to get rid of.


You can follow Lindsay on FacebookTwitter or her blog.  Her blog is full of great information to help you along your journey, actual photos of Lindsay's transformation from post pregnancy and much more.

I received the 60 Day SlimDown thrugh MamaBuzz for the purpose of this review

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