Pages & Family Fun Time

Family fun time can include a variety of activities whether it's with your spouse or with your children.  Every family needs time to get together and just relax, interact and have the chance to make memories. The simplest things can invoke memories and traditions that will last for generations.

One of the fun things my children like to do is have picnics.  We had many picnics this summer and the girls never tired of the fun.  My husband is in Kuwait right now but I can imagine he would like to have a picnic and enjoy some rest and relaxation.  In spite of the cold, there is always a way to enjoy a romantic time with your significant other with an indoor picnic.  When you have the right picnic basket, the possibilities are endless for some fun time no matter where you are.

Collapsible Picnic Basket for Two

A romantic getaway is a great time to just relax and enjoy some gourmet food and take in each other.  A time to listen to one another while savoring some great food put together.   I like the modern picnic baskets because they are a one place for all container.  By providing this great feature, it requires less "equipment" to pack and ensures you have all you need for a great time.

They really have a variety of items from cutting boards to lunch bags to wine baskets and more.  This cutting board set is perfect for a picnik set.


Another fun activity we do is barbeque because it brings us together when making dinner.  We plan the menu and everyone has their own tasks.  Since my husband is gone, my oldest daughter is the chef outdoors and easily relies on our BBQ sets to make the job easier. has this great set that I want to get since it has the apron and all the tools needed.  Isn't it nice?

BBQ Apron Tote - Olive

Whatever your family fun event it, as long as it's bringing your family together, it's a win-win.  We love our family fun events and can't wait for many more years to come.

*Disclaimer:  This is a paid post.

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