
I Love My Readers

I just have to say that I love my readers and the one's who win my giveaways.  They are always so grateful and polite!  I also like the fact that when I close out a giveaway, the winners respond so quickly.

Thank you all so much and it's been so much fun giving things away!  I have more to post but I'm just a bit behind since my husband was home for two weeks from Kuwait.


  1. Thank you so very much for your dedication and all of your work/time you put into your blog site.

  2. Thanks, Barbara! I think I have more enjoyment out of giving the products away than getting them. When given the chance, I usually pass them on to my readers such as CSN GCs, GourmetGiftBaskets, etc. Happy Holidays!

  3. I just wanted to let you know that I just received the miraclepants! They were super quick, dont think I have ever received a prize so quickly! THanks for all the work you put in on your blog!

  4. So glad you received them that quick! That was quick now that you mentioned it! The great thing about the Miraclejeans is that they are stretchy but not that obvious stretch type material so they actually fit a couple of sizes. My daughter wears them post pregnancy and yet I can still fit in them and we weigh over 20 lbs apart. Thanks, Colleen!


Thank you!