
How to Reach Your Full Potential for God By Charles Stanley Review

How to Reach Your Full Potential for God

Never Settle for Less Than His Best
By Charles Stanley
Published by Thomas Nelson

How to Reach Your Full Potential for GodPastor and speaker Charles Stanley's message in this book is one of motivation, inspiration and faith.  It's an encouraging testimony to those who have experienced some of life's harder moments with the message of not giving up and wrapping one's arms around God.  I am drawn to inspirational books such as this one because the message is pure and allows the reader to understand that success is achievable and that believing in God's word is the path to start.  Pastor Stanley provides a path of stopping and examining one's life to determine if the person is living their fullest.  The guidance of seven essential ingredients is a perfect starting place for anyone regardless of the amount of teachings you have had.  The added Biblical examples help to reinforce what Pastor and Author Stanley is teaching.

I would recommend this book to anyone given the ease of understanding, the enjoyment he has partaken with getting the essential message across and how to relate our lives to betterment with God.

I received a copy of this book from Booksneeze for the purposes of this review. 

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