
10 Tips for Weaving the Hottest Runway Trends into Your Day-to-Day Looks


Trying to stay hip and in fashion can be a little more difficult being a mom and a mom on a budget.  Since I am no longer working, I forgot that I can still be fashionable and trendy even if I don't go out to where I feel necessitates looking hip.  I think a lot of moms forget that they should try to look good for themselves as it really does make you feel better when you feel good about yourself.  Looking fashionable does not mean you need to put $1000 boots and skirts rather you can do many different things to save a buck and look great.  TwitterMoms and Sears is challenging bloggers to share their tips for weaving the latest runway fashions into our day-to-day looks.  This can be done without looking over the top or breaking into the kiddie's piggy banks.
  1. The internet has so many fantastic sites to try to determine what's in and what's not.  Many sites also have lots of suggestions on how to wear something that is hip on any given day.  For starters, the hair is the first place to get trendy.  Whatever the fashion style is, it can be achieved easily at your local hair salon at a fraction of the costs and it can be worn on a daily basis.  A little color or a certain cut can be mixed in with any outfit.
  2. One of the fashion trends this fall were socks.  Socks are so versatile and even the one's you may have bought last year or the year before can be worn with jeans, trousers or even skirts.  It's easy to stay in the know with this easy inexpensive runway fav.  
  3. Belts are another runway fashion hit for fall and this holds true to our day-to-day wardrobe.  Jeans, trousers, skirts and dresses can all be dressed up or dressed down.  Don't want to spend a lot of money?  Just take a peek at your local resale shop or Goodwill for a great selection at a fraction of the cost.  A best is so versatile and can really make the outfit in the simpliest way.
  4. Velvet is also a staple for this fall.  It's romantic, soft  and again, versatile.  A nice velvet shirt goes nicely with a pair of jeans or even a skirt.  The look goes from day-to-day to nighttime in a flash.  Vintage shops are a great place to find some beautiful velvet clothing.  This is another reason why sometimes hoarding your old fashions is not always bad since they resurface.
  5. I love ruffles and was happy to see it's another trend for the fall.  I liked wearing ruffle shirts with my suits and found they look great with a pair of jeans or skirt that I can wear daily without having a reason.  Ruffles go with just about any look other than sweat pants or gym wear.  It's easy to pull off and not that expensive.
  6. Another great trend is mixing florals, plaids and stripes.  This is an easy one to pull off in our day-to-day lives whether going to the grocery store, picking up the kids or just sitting at home.  This type of clothing is inexpensive and a great selection can be found at Sears.  
  7. Turtlenecks are in again this fall and these are definitely easy to incorporate into our daily wear.  Either alone or under another shirt, it can provide a casual look or a little more dressed up appearance.  The look is also inexpensive but layered right under or over a shirt or dress paired with a skirt can provide a great runway look any day.
  8. Capes and ponchos is in and you can be just as stunning running those errands or lounging around outside enjoying the weather.  Ponchos look great over jeans and skirts and can look as dressy as you want.  A quick trip to the resale shop or picking up some after Thanksgiving sales can make you look wow at a low price.
  9. The rich, red look is also in for this fall and of course, incorporating this color into any set of clothing is easy to do.  Rich red hues are versatile and whether it's just a day-to-day outfit or an out on on the town, you can't go wrong.  The great thing about this is anything you already have in your closet can be repurposed to look trendy.
  10. Another great runway trend are the shoes and boots.  Either can be worn day-to-day or more dressy.  The great thing about boots is you can tuck your pants in or out, wear them with slacks or jeans or a skirt and you look fantastic regardless of where you are going.  It's dressy yet casual enough to wear any day.
It's not hard to look fashionable and trendy.  All it takes is to look up the latest fashion trends online, take a peek at stores such as Sears for more great ideas as to how to piece together clothing without breaking the bank.  Repurposing what you already have, shopping at resale shops and even having a clothing exchange with your friends and family are great ways to put a look together that you can wear any day of the week no matter what you are doing.  Fashion doesn't have to be painful nor expensive and you don't have to have a reason to be trendy.  Remember, you feel better when you look good!

I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Kenmore blogging program, making me eligible to get a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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