
What's Your Pepperidge Farm's Milano Moment? Help Raise Easy Money for Susan G. Komen

Pepperidge Farm has this great special for helping the Susan G. Komen for the Cure by easily raising donations for this great cause.  It costs you nothing but could save the lives of others with the funds raised.  Pepperidge Farm's donation incentive continues through the month of October .

When someone posts a personal Milano Moment on Milano's Facebook Page in October, Pepperidge Farm will donate $.50 per Moment up to $50,000.  It's easy to do and those .50 cent moments can really add up.

Sharing a Milano moment is easy as life is full of wonderful sweet moments.  I have so many that it's hard to pinpoint just one.  Between the birth of my children to the recent birth of my first grand child, I have lived many Milano moments.  One of my favorite Milano moments is learning my 73 year old father's colon cancer was in remission three year's ago.  Cancer is so devastating and unfortunately, colon cancer runs in our family.  My maternal great grandmother had breast cancer and luckily no one else has.  Watching my father endure his dual radiation and chemotherapy was amazing.  He was a trooper through it all and instead of feeling sorry for himself, he felt sorry for the patients he sat with each day who were much worse them him.   He managed to try to make them smile, he lent them an ear to listen to and was a ray of light during a dismal time for them.  He's an inspiration.

My oldest loves Milano cookies and can't say no.  The rich thin layer of chocolate sandwiched between those tasty shortbread cookies are delightful.  

What's your Milano moment?  Take a moment and share on Pepperidge Farm's Facebook page and feel good knowing it will help a wonderful cause.  Thank you for helping!

I posted this information as part of my participation with One2One Network with the possibility of winning a gift card.

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