
Post a Pepperidge Farms Milano Moment & Help Susan G. Korman

Have those moments that you savor along with something that tastes great?  Whenever I savor a moment, I like to mix in something great tasting that has chocolate in it.  My oldest daughter is about to make me a grandmother.  She's upstairs bearing through contractions right now waiting to rush back to the hospital.  I've had many Milano moments but this one is her moment too.  It's coincidental as she loves Milano cookies so what better way to help spread the word on this wonderful One2One Network campaign but to link it to a real time savory moment with my daughter!


Here is where you come in:  

When you share a Milano moment on Pepperidge Farm's Facebook page, they will donate .50 to Susan G. Korman for the Cure.

Let's raise the roof and share this wonderful opportunity to raise money for an important cause while not costing you a cent.  

*Information provided by One2One Network in a campaign where I might win a gift card for my participation.

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