
The Phd Pocket Disc Review

The Phd Pocket Disc TM

Live, Love, Catch ... everywhere you go is a saying by The Phd Pocket Disc and when you actually get to play with one, you'll see.  These easy to tuck away, soft disc create fun for the whole family.  There are two types to choose from:  Sports Pocket Disc or The Classic Pocket Disc.  The main difference is the weight as the sports version is intended for outdoor play to go the distance whereas The Classic is lightweight and can be played indoors.

Swirls Sunbursts Assortments

Available in three categories, there should be a pattern that everyone will like:

  1. Swirls
  2. Sunbursts
  3. Assortment

About Pocket Disc:

The Pocket Disc formed by accident by a third grader, Savanna Groft, who had a school project to make a placemat.  Savanna crocheted the placement but missed some stitches on the edge which caused it to fold under.   It sat on Savanna's table until one day two of her friends came over.  One of the friends and a dad picked it up and started throwing it and noticed how it sailed across the room .. thus the Pocket Disc was born.

Additional Information:
  • Games and Uses links are available on the Phd Pocket Disc website.
  • Check out videos and photos here.
  • To purchase, click here.


The Review:

My girls LOVED the Phd Pocket Disc especially since they were able to play inside with it.  I loved it because I didn't have to worry about injuries or something breaking.  It's lightweight, good quality and doesn't take up a lot of room.  Getting them to move around a little bit is nice too.  The designs are really nice as well and are appealing to kids.

Overall, my two girls definitely recommend the Phd Pocket Disc!

*Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary Phd Pocket Disc for purposes of this review.

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