
Boiron Homeopathic Medicines Review

As a mother, I'm concerned with what I give my children and with all the growing bad press and recalls, I'm quite frankly more and more nervous about administering over the counter drugs to my children for their colds.  There are so many warnings and contraindications that it is a concern especially when two of my children have chronic medical conditions.  I turned to homeopathic medications about the same time I became interested in organic food.  Although I have not made the transition over completely, I am taking steps in the right direction.  As part of my participation in Moms Meet, I was able to receive a complimentary party pack to share with my friends from Boiron which markets over 800 homeopathic medications for a variety of conditions.

Oscillo 3 Dose

My pack included products geared towards children and it couldn't come at a better time as immediately upon receipt, my children and three other mom's who participated were able to use the products.  Our first product we tried was Oscillococcinum.  Oscillococcinum is for use in those over the age of two and over.  It is to be used to temporarily relieve flu-like symptoms such as feeling run down, headache, body aches, chills and fever.  The directions state dissolve the entire contents of one tube in the mouth every six hours up to three times a day.  There is also a children's version of Oscillococcinum.

The ingredients are meant to reduce the duration and severity of flu-like symptoms.  There are warnings before taking and should not be given to children under two unless a doctor approves.

The Review:

  • Great tasting that doesn't detract picky children from digesting the tiny pellets.  This was a bonus for me as my three year old is very picky and won't eat anything that tastes bad and vomits with liquid medicine.
  • The three of us that used Oscillococcinum at the first sign of illness, felt that the duration of the cold was actually reduced.

Overall, I would recommend Oscillococcinum.  Click here for special offers.  You can also read about clinical trials and the results here.

The next product was Children's Chestal.  This product is for adults and children over the age of two.  Children's Chestal helps to loosen thick mucus, relieves dry and painful coughs, relieves cough associated with tickling in throat, relieves barking cough worse at night, relieves cough associated with nausea, relieves wet cough during the day becoming dry at night, relieves dry cough triggered by cold air, relieves dry, croupy and barking cough and relieves night time hacking cough.

The Review: 

  • Unfortunately, I could not get my seven year to take a second dose because she dislikes honey.  Two mothers were able to administer it to their children and they thought the product helped in the croupy cough.
  • Easy to use.

The two other mothers would recommend Children's Chestal.

The final product we received was
Children's Coldcalm Pellets.  For children ages three and older, these are given at the first onset of cold symptoms.  Take five pellets every two hours until symptoms are relieved. 

The Review:

  • The pellets taste good which encourages digestion.
  • The containers are tiny enough to take anywhere which makes it convenient.
  • The twist/pop off top makes it easy to access as well adding to the convenience.
  • The only con is the pellets are small so my three year old kept dropping them but due to the size, she thought they were candy and it made it easier for her to take.  It's something I could live with.

Four of us mother's recommended the Children's Coldcalm Pellets.

Boiron has a hosts of great resources on their websites which encourages me in that I feel they are proactive in trying to give me the best resources to care for my family.

Moms Meet

Disclaimer:  The opinions expressed in this review were not influenced by the complimentary product pack we received for this post by Boiron via my participation in Green Moms Meet.

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