
Blogmania's Dream Team on Nov 1st Marks the Day for Over $2000 in Prizes Up for Grabs

If you are a regular to my blog, you heard of Blogmania this past fall.  Well, the fun hasn't stopped as starting November 1st, all the members of the Blogmania Dream Team are hosting a Holiday Open House.  Each member's blog will post on holiday entertaining as it relates to our blog themes.  You will get an array of tips, menu ideas, party ideas, crafts, decorating ideas and so much more!  We have so many great bloggers in this group that you won't want to miss out on that coupled with the great prizes coming!

Don't forget to save the date since there will be over $2000 in prizes!

Want to enter?  Here is what you need to do:
  • Write a holiday entertaining post on anything you want as long as it relates to Holiday Entertaining.
  • Include the Holiday Open House button (below).
  • Return to the Health, Beauty, Children and Family Guide for a Frugal Christmas from November 1st to the 10th to link up your post.

You can enter as many times as you want during the eligible time period but each entry will require a new post.

Stay tuned!

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