
Birght Starts Pink Power Mom Winners

Thank you to everyone who shared and submitted their stories about their Pink Power Mom to Health, Beauty, Children and Family and to! Please visit to see the 2010 Pink Power Mom Award Winners! Each one of these extraordinary women has touched the lives of their families and communities.

Additionally, I am very pleased to announce Carol as the Health, Beauty, Children and Family's  Pink Power Mom. 

My friend Noreen is a breast cancer survivior, and a true inspiration to me. At first, she would not tell me she had cancer, she didn't want to burden me, but I was so glad when she did tell me so we could share the journey together.

She is a true inspiration, I live a much more healthful life because of her courageous and lifechanging example.

Bright Starts™ will be sending Health, Beauty, Children and Family's Pink Power Mom her choice of either the Pretty In Pink™ Baby’s Play Place™ Deluxe Edition or the Pretty In Pink™ Bounce-a-bout™. Congratulations!!

With each new fan or “like” that Bright Starts gets on Facebook, Bright Starts will donate $1 to the Pink Power Mom breast cancer charities.

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