
Amy's Burritos & My Moms Meet Party

Eating healthier and living better is something I half way strive for.  I would love to jump full force into it but I have picky children that no matter what I try, I can't break the barrier yet.  I am happy to see so many products available that are also convenient such as Amy's Burritos.  There are so many varieties that they will satisfy most anyone's taste if they like burritos.  I was selected to host an Amy's Burritos Party for 13 of my select mommy friends from Mom's Meet.

Amy's Burritos are made from the finest natural and organic ingredients which gives me peace of mind knowing that I'm providing what I deem as healthier food.  No meat, fish, poultry or eggs are ever used in Amy's products.  The shells are made of organic flour and filled with great tasting organic beans, rice, vegetables, cheeses. tofu and their own sauces.  The best part of them all aside from the natural goodness, you pop them in the microwave or oven and you have a quick snack or a meal.

Amy started business in 1988 and her products contain no MSG, additives, preservatives, GMOs or trans fats.  I've been reading more and more about GMOs so this is another feature that appeals to me.  Cheese is made from hormone free milk.

Here are the available choices from Amy's:

  • BEAN & RICE BUR RITO (Dairy Free/No Cho les terol) also avail able in Light in Sodium
  • BEAN & CHEESE BUR RITO also avail able in Light in Sodium
  • GLUTEN FREE BEAN & RICE BUR RITO (Gluten Free/Dairy Free/No Cholesterol)
  • BLACK BEAN VEG ETABLE BUR RITO (Dairy Free/No Cholesterol)
  • BREAK FAST BUR RITO (Dairy Free/No Cholesterol)

For our mom's party, I served the breakfast burritos, southwestern burritos, bean and cheese burritos, black bean vegetable burritos and the bean and rice burritos.  Each mom received their very own coupons full of savings and free product to try when they left.

We had five children and 13 moms present.  The children were hit and miss on liking the burritos and I found those that liked Mexican food, seemed to like the burritos.  All the moms were surprised at the taste of the different varieties.  They all agreed they liked and enjoyed the flavor with five, including myself, did not like the breakfast burritos made with tofu.

Overall, the party was a hit and some moms were educated on the differences with organic foods, GMO foods and pesticide use.  It was a good party since I was able to share information that some weren't aware of.  Amy's was a hit!

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