
Heard of the Dukan Diet?

I picked up the latest Woman's World due to the cover story on the Ultra Powerful French Atkins Diet story.  In the States, the Dukan Diet is unpublished yet but the basis behind it is it's similar to Atkins yet different.  According to Woman's World, you start out on the Attack Phase for one to six consecutive days.  There is a chart directing you on the path to take pending on how much you want to lose.  After that phase, you begin alternating between "cruise" and "attack" days.  You just alternate each day with the other phase until you lose the amount of weight you need to.

The official site is here.  The Dukan Diet was designed by a French doctor, Pierre Dukan.  From what I read on other sites, it's a hodge podge of the other low carb type of diets.  Here is another site that lists many other blog posts on the diet that I found informative and helpful:

I'm going to try it out starting tomorrow with the Attack Phase of lean protein, fat-free dairy and lots of water.  After three days, I'll try alternating the phases as stated with every other day supplementing it with non-starchy vergetables.  Stay tuned on results if interested!

Attack Phase includes (not a complete list):
  • Poultry (skin free)
  • Fat free cheese
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Lean meat - beef, ham, veal 
  • Fish (except canned in sauce or oil)
  • Eggs (two per day and unlimited egg whites)
  • 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran is required
  • Artificial sweeteners like Splenda can be used
  • Vinegar, spices, herbs, mustard, onion (not cooked/raw but spice type), garlic
  • Water, water, water
Note: you will probably want to pick up some sugar free gum as this diet will not be kind to your breath just like the Atkins Diet.

Cruise Phase includes (not a complete list):
  • Everything from the Attack Phase plus 2 tablespoons of oat bran and
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • French Beans
  • Spinach
  • Cucumbers
  • Celery
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Artichokes
  • Pumpkin
  • Asparagus
There are two more phases but I want to try the first two first to see how it goes!

This site is great for lots of information and recipes:


9/27/10 - Day 1 on Dukan:

I'm a veteran Atkin's dieter so I was very familiar with the protein concept but the fat-free or low-fat component was different.  I have to get used to eating fat-free cheese as it definitely has a different flavor.  I read on one of the sites I linked about that you can have two eggs a day but another site stated no more than four eggs per week but unlimited egg whites.

Today, I purchased the recommended meat, Greek yogurt, eggs, low fat/fat free cheeses and oat bran for the Attack Phase.

For breakfast, I had scrambled eggs - used non-stick pan with pepper and onion salt to season.

For lunch, I ate low fat peppered turkey breasts and cottage cheese.

For dinner, I ate turkey breast, cheese cubes and Greek yogurt mixed in with oat bran and Splenda.

It's now almost midnight and I survived day one with no problem!

We'll see how tomorrow goes when carb cravings might hit harder!

Here are my links:

April 12, 2011 Update:

I've been on and off the Dukan Diet because I just get weak and need to indulge.  However, the diet does work.  I'm back on it again ...surprise!  I restarted on Monday and it's Tuesday now.  I have lost two pounds since weighing in yesterday.

I did purchase the book and it did help to a degree but since most information is centered around the European foods and ingredients, it does present a bit of a challenge with the recipes.  I have found that I can consume salsa with my meals and it doesn't seem to impact me too much as I still lose and salsa definitely helps to liven up the boring meat.  I also add guacamole to some of my meals.  The diet works so well that my oldest is on it with me.


  1. How did your first day go? I ordered the book on amazon, still waiting for it.

  2. I posted my update above and so far, day one wasn't too bad!

    Let me know how the book is as I might buy it!


  3. I started on July 1 and have lost 40 lbs so far. This is the easiest diet I have ever been on. There is another site with recipes I don't think you can join the forum but you can read all the information that is there. Besides the recipes, there is a copy of the Q and A chat from the British website sinced it started.

  4. It's the morning of day 3 and I lost 4 lbs so I'm very happy! Thanks for the link and I'm checking it out!

    GRATS on the 40lbs!

    You must be very happy!

    Keep up the great work!

  5. I too bought WW because of the Dukan Diet, I am now on Day 3 of my Attack phase and in 2 days I've lost 5 pounds. I ordered my copy of the Dukan Diet from Amazon and can't wait to get it in. Very glad to have found your blog. Good Luck!

  6. Please visit my site: [url=]method[/url]



Thank you!