
Day 3 on the Dukan Diet: Four Pounds Lost

Woke up and weighed in and I have lost four pounds on the morning of day three and I can't be happier!  The diet is easy to follow and isn't bad.  It's very similar to Atkins with the exception of eating as much cheese as you want except it's fat free or low fat so it doesn't taste as good in my opinion.  You are also limited to the number of eggs with yolk but can have as much egg whites as you want.  Another big difference aside from the oat bran is I can drink my Quick Boost and not suffer from it.  Water day in and day out is too much for me so this is a plus as I can sip it through the day when I need that little something else.

Another difference is on the Atkins, it usually takes me until day seven to lose anything so four pounds in two days is exceptional.

One of my readers posted that he/she has lost 40 pounds since July on this diet and provided this link for more information.

I'm still trying to decide how many days I want to stay on the Attack Phase.  I can go from three to five and then I move to the Cruise Phase which is alternating the Attack (no veggies) with the Cruise Phase (veggies). You stick to the alternating plan until you get to your desired weight and move into the next phase.

The Cruise Phase will be nice because I can now add vegetables like broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower, asparagus and more with my meat which will dress it up.  Since it's every other day, I have something to look forward to.

From that other site:
The rules:

One to five pure protein days (as the ‘attack’ phase) interspersed with one to five days when quantities of vegetables can also be eaten. 

Increase oat bran intake to 2 tbsp per day. 

Increase exercise to a 30-minute brisk walk each day. 

Keep drinking at least 1.5 liters of water each day.

Here are my links:

Initial Post and Day 1 on Dukan Diet
Day 2 on Dukan Diet
Day 3 on Dukan Diet
Day 4 on Dukan Diet

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