
Ten Tips for Saving Money During the Back-to-School Season

Back to school time means my children will be gone during the day which saddens me as I love spending time with them but I do love the fact that they are learning. This year, I had to find ways to save money since I'm no longer working and my husband is deployed.

Did you know that Staples is helping those disadvantaged and without an opportunity for school supplies? The 3rd Annual Staples Do Something 101 School Supply Drive is underway. The first two Annuals raised nearly one million for charities and Staples is prepared to help again! I think that's great community responsibility!

Not only that, Staples is offering a special discount to us TwitterMoms by printing out the coupon here to get 25% off select merchandise.

TwitterMoms and Staples provided another opportunity to spread how we save money for the back-to-school season and you can take part here.
  1. Relook at what you already have as sometimes you already have some of the supplies you need.
  2. Get the local paper and hunt for bargains as every year, stores like Staples have great back to school sales. Sometimes when you sign up for a store, you get loyalty specials to use.
  3. Host a swap with your neighbors for clothes and supplies or suggest it for your school.
  4. Clip coupons as you can get great deals with them and some stores allow you to stack store coupons with manufacturer ones to maximize your sale.
  5. Go to yard sales for super cheap bargains.
  6. The second hand stores also have great bargains on clothing and other items.
  7. Join your local Yahoo Freecycle group to get great items that others no longer want.
  8. Plan out your bargains through the summer and only buy when on sale to maximize your savings. Online stores sometimes offers better savings.
  9. Check on hand me downs with your other children clothes to avoid not wearing out the potential for your clothes.
  10. Use your reward cards or bonus points and look for great buy one get one free bargains or freebie items when you purchase something with your card.

*Disclaimer: I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Staples blogging program, making me eligible to get a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here

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