
Five Simple Things to Keep My Child's Smile Healthy and Bright

Very ironic that the latest TwitterMoms campaign is making children's smiles healthier and brighter in conjunction with Trident as we just returned from the dentist.  All four of us with a staggering must return for dental work.  So, based on that, I can definitely tell you what can be done and what WE should be doing to follow it in order to avoid an $800 dental bill!

  1. Visit your dentist is number one!  Frequent visits will eliminate bad problems later down the road.  We have a great dentist and are so lucky.
  2. Brush your teeth twice a day and make sure you brush them long enough as most people don't.  Brushing can be boring but with all the great toothbrushes out there, it should help to encourage the little one's to brush longer.  Make tooth brushing fun and your kids will love it more!  Don't forget to floss frequently as this is something that my oldest doesn't do and it's critical for maintaining a healthy smile.
  3. Avoid too many soft drinks since they can eat at the enamel and cause cavities.  My preference of drinks are milk and water.
  4. Eat healthy is another key as garbage in does equal garbage out.  Your teeth need good nutrition to stay healthy.
  5. I'm a believer that chewing gum will help in keeping your teeth healthy.  I pop in a piece when I can't brush and it seems to help with any food collection that can't be extracted until I brush again.
There are so many ways to keep a healthy smile and going to the dentist is first and foremost.  Want to join the discussion, join in at:

I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Trident blogging program, making me eligible to get a $25 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here

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