
Five of My Favorite Family Time Ideas

LEGO® and TwitterMoms have teamed up to give us bloggers another fun project! I love the Twittermoms campaigns and this one is Five of My Favorite Family Time Ideas. We have Family Fun night twice a month on a Friday to help take a break from a long week. We usually have these on Friday night and started them last school year. Our five are usually pretty routine but we have fun.

  1. Watching a good wholesome movie that we picked out together. Part of the excitement of watching the movie is picking it out as a family.
  2. Making a pizza or dinner. Again, we decide as a family what we will make and everyone has a task to make it complete.
  3. You can never go wrong with games and whether it's a board game or something like a wii, it can be great family fun. We like to compete so this one is fun and we try to incorporate learning aspects too. Sometimes we just have a dress up/girls night too!
  4. Making some kind of a craft to help develop their creativity while learning something new. Kids love to make things and this is a great way a family can have fun.
  5. Going out to dinner and the movies is another fun family activity.
Whatever you choose to do, it's always fun if you decide as a family and everyone has a role in what to do. Being a family includes finding fun things to do as a unit.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and LEGO blogging program, making me eligible to get a prize pack. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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