
Ficklets: Eyewear Charm Huggers & Back to School

With back to school time it means the essentials like eye exams which is something that I'm behind in doing.  When my middle one had her eyes tested two year's ago, she didn't know how to communicate very well so the tech passed her at the local military hospital.  I thought this was okay at the time but wished I had pushed for a proper exam.  Little did I know that day that she was prepping for her first day of school with eye and hearing exams and inoculations, she would develop an unexpected diagnosis of epilepsy.   That is an entire different set of posts!

Flip Flops 

Food Holidays

Back to the eye exam as it's so important to screen your children regularly as it can hinder their education.  I had eyeglasses as a child and hated them as back in the day of the dinosaurs, they were ugly, big and bulky.  They had no personality and usually just equated to a big blinking "geek" sign overhead.  Not anymore!

Fun, Fashionable, Fresh

A wonderful woman named Ros created these ingenious little eyewear charm huggers that fit on a kid's pair of glasses with ease.  They are inexpensive and interchangeable.  The idea was developed by the love she had for her own daughter's dislike in her glasses.  This sudden idea transformed to a business that caters in to helping children enjoy and maybe even love their glasses.   There are many designs to choose from and the variety allows so much of the child's personality to shine.

If you haven't checked out Ficklets, you should!  Visit for yourself!

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