
Still Time to Get the Kids Moving with the USDA Forest Service

Summer is departing at least it feels that way to me since my daughter returns to school on August 9th.  I think I like it better when I was a kid and we started after Labor Day.  I didn't get nearly enough summer time to enjoy my kids and get them outside.  One thing we did differently this summer was to buy a picnic basket from Target which was under $20 and what a great investment for summertime fun!

If you are like me, you are always looking for new ideas to engage some family fun time while getting them outside.  Outdoor activities are not only fun but they are educational and healthy alternatives to staying inside.  The USDA Forest Service has released a newly-designed nature and forest site, The site inspires kids (and their parents) to spend time in nearby national forests or parks, and it provides plenty of destinations and ideas for activities while you’re there.

  • An excellent, easy-to-use “nature finder” tool where you can type in your zip code and find the nearest forest, park or nature sanctuary
  • Lots of fun online games that will teach parents and kids interesting things about nature, such as how to identify wildlife tracks or use a compass
  • Tips for parents on how to help get their kids outside and enjoying nature, including an activity book of stuff to do when outside
  • You can fan us at for access to fun photos, tips, nature information and much more

Miss America has joined forces with Discover the Forest too.  In an exclusive video, she recounts her memories of having fun spending time outdoors as a child, and talks about why you should make sure to help your kids experience nature as well. You can view and embed the video here.

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