
Natural Foods & Healing Properties

Did you know....

    Olive Oil
  1. Applying the same olive oil we use to cook with like Bertolli Extra Virgin Olive Oil after you shower is ultrahydrating?  It creates a barrier that protects dry skin and is helpful for people with eczema and psoriasis.  
  2. Olive oil can also help dry split ends?
  3. Oatmeal is a great gentle exfoliate and helps to soothe a sunburn and poisen ivy/rash pain?
  4. Turmeric is used to treat eczema and speeds up wound healing?  I was curious so I found some on Amazon: Clear Face Turmeric Cream and Vicco Turmeric- WSO 60g.  I had never heard of this type of cream before.
  5. Turmeric may also help in firming up aging skin?
  6. Honey helps wounds heal faster?
  7. Pumpkins can help your skin due to the anti-oxidant properties?
  8. Green tea can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles?
  9. Acai berries protect skin from sun damage?  I had no idea that Acai berry serum was so expensive.  Amazon has AcaiBee Recovery Serum for $69.95!
  10. Aloe protects against irritants and bacteria?
It's amazing the healing properties natural products can have if we only use them!  There was a reason why our ancestors used the things they did before all these chemicals and other creations were created.

Read the full article here at Everyday Health.

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