
Moms Into Fitness: Lindsay Brin's Shed 5 Fast DVD Review & Discount Code

Lindsay Brin

Get your body back with Moms Into Fitness DVDs and learn how to fire your core from the inside-out to create a flat stomach again!  Who doesn't want to lose weight, get healthier or just keep living healthy?  I know I do and continue to struggle with it in spite of having a wealth of tools available.  The only thing I'm missing are motivation and time ... okay, I'm making excuses again and the ONLY thing I'm missing is motivation as I'm lazy!  I'm not lazy in that I sit around and do nothing but I'm tired and lack motivation.  It's a funny place to be as I hate being out of shape and it really impacts me as a person YET I can't find that magical button to make me do it.

When I was given the chance to receive a complimentary copy of Lindsay Brin's Shed 5 Fast as part of my participation with the Mama Buzz group, I jumped.  I really wanted to try it out.  Lindsay is perky and motivational.  She provides a workout program that is easy to follow and fun as even my children had fun working out with me.  Check it out for yourself:

Shed 5 has two exercise routines and Lindsay guarantees you will lose five pounds in three weeks if you use it.  After completing the 30 minute exercises, I definitely could see losing those pounds in three short weeks!   I like the break down of the workout with a three minute warm up, 24 minutes of workout in a 3/3 interval, three minute toning with weights  and three minutes of kick boxing and it alternates with the other 24 minute routine.  I also like that Lindsay utilizes three levels of fitness to ensure you can keep up from beginner, intermediate to expert.  It's a very easy program to follow but you just have to have the motivation to do it!

As a special, you can get a 20% off discount with the code below.  Priced at only $15.99, it's a good workout and Lindsay is so cute that you can't help but want to workout.  I am waiting for my nieces to go home this week to fully take advantage of her workouts so be ready for an updated review coming soon!

Lindsay Brin

Keep up to date with Moms Into Fitness by following on Twitter or Facebook and to check out more of the workouts, you can click here.

Once my nieces go home tomorrow after a four week visit, I plan to start using this routinely so stay tuned for my weight loss updates!  I really liked Lindsay's style, motivation and her desire to help other moms!

Disclaimer:  This is a Mama Buzz review. The product was provided by: Moms Into Fitness for the purpose of this review.

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