
Huggies Every Little Bottom: Diaper Donations

I'm a long time Huggies mom and I cannot write enough about how much I love Huggies as a corporation.  Not only do they provide products that we can rely on, tools to help parents but they also meet a need.  

Diaper need is the struggle to provide babies with a basic need—diapers. Although largely unrecognized, a new study commissioned by HUGGIES® reveals that diaper need is a critical issue in the U.S.

Here are some facts:

  • Without diapers, mothers can't meet one of their babies' basic needs. Yet there is little support for these moms and babies in need.
  • 1 in 3 American moms struggle with diaper need. These moms have had to cut back on basics such as food, utilities like heat and electricity or even child care to provide diapers for their babies. *
  • Lack of clean, dry diapers may cause physical and emotional suffering for babies.
  • Diaper need affects moms' abilities to carry on with necessary daily activities.

* Results of The HUGGIES® Every Little Bottom Study

HUGGIES® created Every Little Bottom to help address diaper need. But they need help. Together, they can help get this basic necessity — diapers — to millions of babies.  Donate diapers, and learn more about their commitment.

Join in and help along with learning more about Huggies' partners here.

I was not compensated for this post and chose to spread the word about this wonderful program helping babies be more comfortable and healthier.

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