
Huggies & Coca-Cola Brand Loyalty Examples

Strange pairing I know but it ties into this post as I have such high brand loyalty.  It's funny how people can become passionate about such things as a brand.  Sometimes it seems some have an intense loyalty it's comparable to love for country.  There are a couple of things that I won't compromise on no matter what.  When I used to drink sodas and was dining out, if they didn't have Coca-Cola products, I would order water.  The same held true for eating at fast food restaurants as I would only patron those that served Coke when I was traveling.  I also have this loyalty when it comes to baby products.  

The absolute product I cannot go without is Huggies.  I've used Huggies for as long as I can remember with my children.  I tried other brands and none compared to how Huggies fits, withstands the elements of wear and the price.  What started out with a desire to prevent leaks moved into the recognition of the number of coupons Huggies releases.  As a parent, everyone needs to save a buck and Huggies is plentiful with their coupons and deals.  When I thought it couldn't get any better, they released more tools and products to make being a parent easier. The potty training help was wonderful and I feel it truly helped my three year old.

I do understand that they are a business but the excellent customer service they provide is a cut above.  I actually received a nasty post comment from someone accusing me of selling out my blog to Huggies.  Ordinarily, I would agree had I not been a long term Huggies customer.  Since I am adamant about choosing Huggies over all other diapers, I do not feel I'm a sell out rather I have intense brand loyalty.  The same holds true for Coca-Cola.  I love Coca-Cola and I have received nothing in return for that proclamation or this post.

I could probably think of so many other products that I love and have a brand loyalty.  Brand loyalty starts with a liking for a product but it continues with excellent customer service that focuses on the customer and listens to what the customer needs.  Brand loyalty begins with a brand that links a thought, image or impression to a customer or prospective customer.  I truly feel businesses like Huggies exemplifies branding and really tries to form partnerships with their customers by listening to feedback, providing tools to assist in every day life and marketing products they need.

I worked at a pharmaceutical company and they spent thousands of dollars on branding.  For all I know, they might have spent millions in the end.  I think at the end of the day, their branding did very little to help but it's interesting to see how businesses conduct business and how their branding may or may not impact their sales and loyalty.  As consumers, we do have an impact.

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