
How Are You Better Than Ever?

 What an ironic post to include today on my birthday from TwitterMoms and Dove gofresh!  How are you better than ever is the recent contest that I couldn't resist as there are so many facets to that question. I can think of many ways that I'm better and can contribute it to experience.  

  1. I am so much more patient today as I was up until recently.  I was a hot head and wanted to do everything now, now, now!  I confess, I'm still that way but I have truly mellowed out a bit.  
  2. I am also better today in that I have my beautiful children!  They are my life, my love and my everything.  Without them, I can't fathom life.  They have made me the better person that I am from their unconditional love.
  3. I'm also better in that I utilize the experiences I have been lucky enough to endure, good and bad, and I learn from them.  I take the trials of life and instead of wallowing in them, I find ways around them and provide encouragement to others with them.
  4. I now have the time to truly help more people.  It's important to live life and give life and not merely take life.  I love doing things for others and as I progressed through this beautiful journey of life, I have learned what is important and what isn't.  I've learned to hold my tongue, to be more understanding and most of all, be more forgiving.
  5. Last but not least, I take better care of myself.  I use products that protect my skin and help me stay healthier longer.  I want to be around a long time to experience my children and their children.
I'm sure there are many, many more ways that I am better now than I have ever been.  How about you?  Join in the discussion back at TwitterMoms here.  You can also participate in a fun photo contest!  Dove® gofresh™ is also sponsoring a Facebook photo contest!  

You can share yourr photos about what's "better than ever" on the Facebook contest page for a chance to win a spa weekend getaway in Sedona, AZ, and thousands of dollars worth of great prize packages from Dove® gofresh™!

I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Dove® gofresh™ blogging program, making me eligible to get a $25 gift card and some product. For more information on how you can participate, click here:

1 comment:

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