
Creating Summer Memories

I'm all about creating memories and based on my own up bringing and watching my oldest and how she dealt with having divorced parents and living another life with her dad and then step-mom, I embrace every memory I can get.  I love to take pictures and use all my efforts to create these ever lasting memories in hopes of not only providing a healthy environment for my children but also to hopefully teach them to be even better mothers.  I find the power in laughter is within anyone's reach whether rich or poor.  

They say a good laugh burns calories but it sure can bring a family closer.  My dad always commented about the power of a smile or a laugh and how critical it is to always find humor.  Even during his dual radiation and chemotherapy four year's ago, he still managed to joke and find humor in everything.  He's one of the bravest men I have ever met and one of the last breed in my books. I remember growing up with him working all the time whether it was away from us or at home, the man always worked.  He is a self-proclaimed bad father for many of his own reasons but to me, he was and is still the best!  Men like him who can fix anything, do anything and be the man you see in old movies are rare to find.  I don't think I'll ever forget his primary advice of life and that is to always smile!

So this summer, I embarked on our journey for memories first by taking my girls to Disney after their dad deployed to Kuwait for the year and we had so much fun and made many memories!


After that, we bought a picnic basket at Target and took inexpensive trips to my daughter's school and enjoyed the free use of picnic tables and playground.   We also went to the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, SC and we had a big Minnie Mouse party while I brought my three nieces down for a visit.  

Our other memories included buying a small cotton candy machine and making cotton candy, making movie style popcorn from a counter popcorn maker, trips to Dairy Queen, redecorating their rooms and many other activities that I hope will carry them through a lifetime.

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