
Sistahood Follow Along Week 8

I was soooo bad and gained two pounds but am back on the bandwagon with a new effective date of today, June 1st!  I feel as long as I come back after failing, I'm still half way there and will continue my efforts until I get there and I know I will.  So much has been going on to make it very hectic in my life but I have a plan to get it more organized which is why June 1st was my new kick-off date.  

Watching all these young celebrities die prematurely is giving me an added push to get in shape and not so much for the physically appealing aspect but to be around to enjoy my young children grow up and to be a part of this grand-baby that is due 10/10/10.  I need to get my kids eating healthier which is always a chore but I'm still hoping getting them involved with cooking will promote better health habits.  I also turn to the Mamavation mom's for inspiration such as Kia who is a dynamo!  Colleen has her struggles but man, she's one busy mama tackling the various medical issues but she is my inspiration.  Of course there is Bookie Boo seeing all that she has conquered and looks amazing!  So many offer encouragement with the Mamavation moms and I truly appreciate it!'s looking to my post at the end of the week where I will be held accountable to produce better results!


  1. Shake off those 2lbs! You can get those off!

    keep your head up!

  2. I've been thinking about you. While I did the 10K yesterday there were a number of participants on the course doing it honor of their loved ones who are currently deployed. I know that is what Veteran's Day is for, but any chance to remember our soldiers is a good thing in my mind.

    So YOU have a great week! You know the kinds of things you need to do... rest, hydrate, eat well, and move. Do it!!

  3. way to think postive and getting abck on track! I am proud of you! You can do it!

  4. I can't wait to read you update at the end of the week. Hang in there and keep pushing forward!!

  5. You can do it! I keep saying I am going to be good...but this pregnancy is making me lazy. We can do this together! I wasnt great today, but I am with you and will start new tomorrow! Its back to eating healthy and getting in some workouts.

  6. Thanks so much! Mamavation Moms rock!


Thank you!