
Online School Solutions: Is It For You?

I've taken online classes before and had no problem with it as I've already found myself to be disciplined enough to complete something that can be set at your own pace.   Online instruction is geared towards a certain group of people that may prefer this type of learning over a traditional classroom environment.  Some children are geared this way too and actually perform better in this setting.

Online School Solutions provides a learning set up that can either be private school or public.  There is a difference and in Georgia, there is an online public school available and these types of online public schools are free.  They follow a traditional school year and may have to take standardized tests for their location.

Private online schools allow more flexibility in enrolling when you want, the ability to take up to 12 months to complete courses, optional mid term and end of course assessments to measure achievement growth and they still get to interact with students from around the world.

Online School Solutions offers a convenient map to determine which options are available for your state.  Georgia, for example, has The Keystone School for a private online experience.  Keystone offers both middle school and high school courses and you can earn a diploma.  There are even advanced options available in many areas such as math and foreign languages.

For those that struggle in the traditional environment, this looks like a great alternative in trying to help your child achieve educational success without limiting options of interpersonal interaction.  My oldest partook in online courses her senior year and did very well.  They were courses that served dual credits for high school and college.

Online schools offers the same technology that our iGeneration are familiar with between the internet and other web technologies.  Whether a student requires a few additional courses or prefers to complete all courses, the choice is available and I think it's wonderful!  In my senior year, I needed to transfer to an adult school as I had to work full time to provide financial support to my family.  It was inconvenient and if I had the opportunity to learn through this web based program with real teachers, I would have probably learned even more.  This would also be a great option for the military brats (i.e. my kids) since they move a lot and may not be happy with changing schools every three years.

The amount of support and tools available would really surprise you so if you are thinking of alternative educational sources, check out Online School Solutions to see what your state has for you.

Disclaimer:  I wrote this post as part of a campaign for and MomSelect.  I may receive a $20 gift card for compensation in reviewing the site.

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