
Mamavation Week 12

I've been MIA for a couple of weeks partly out of disappointment for myself with failing yet again and partly due to being busy with trying to prepare a rather large house to sell, small children, losing a job and having someone close to me give me a lot of grief and stress even from a distance.  I'm an emotional eater and I try to overcome it but continue to fail.  I try to find new tricks to trick my mind but I fail.  I'm trying really hard to get into the spirit as I know this is ultimately about my health and longevity.  I do want to be around for many years to come and I don't know why I can't get the mind and the stomach to connect in how important it is to stop this dangerous path of eating poorly.  I just ate my second piece of birthday cake (my daughter turned 3 today) and I know it's bad.  I did ride my bike for 40 minutes in between both pieces of cake .. lol!

One of these days ... one of these days of these days!  It will happen and until then, I have to find the cure for emotional/stress eating!

I hope the other Mamas had a better week then me!

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  1. Dont be so hard o yourself all of us have failed and will fail at times. You need to pick yourself back up and keep moving forward. We are here for you. Step away from the cake girl!!Drink some water or chew a piece of gum when your craving those types of foods. I know you can do this!! @trulove821

  2. HUGS my dear. Im so sorry to hear of all the stress in your life!

    Remember to breath...positive energy in and negative energy out.
    You cant control other people, but you can control you, your emotions, and your health.

    You can do this and we are here to support you!


  3. Momma on the Run: I do need to step away from the cake! lol! Thanks for your encouragement! :)

  4. ~Lori~ I have to focus on the positive energy! You are so right and thanks for reminding ! :) Hugs!

  5. Exercise is good for you in ways besides just burning calories so you still totally did something AWESOME for yourself. Don't let cake get you down!

  6. Thanks, Jenny for spinning my bad into a good! I should look at it more that way than the negative! Thanks!

  7. {{HUGS}} I am sorry for all the stress...can relate it is hard, I hope you can find a way to help eliminate a lot of it...without the food.

  8. This is a quote I got from Shay Sorrell's blog that I hope gives you a little encouragement. "Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." -Joshua Marine

    I hope you overcome your challenges this week and have a wonderful week.

  9. Thanks, Trish! Stress is a big one for me when it comes to eating. I know it will eventually click and although I fail, I try, try again! :)

  10. I really like that Julie! Thanks as it makes so much sense. I'm going to print that and post it in the kitchen where I can see it every day! Thanks!

  11. Girl... please don't get too hard on yourself! This whole healthy living and active lifestyle is a process... there will be ups and downs... the important thing is is that we learn from our falls... and pick ourselves back up. :) You can do it! :)

  12. Thanks, Rachel! I usually aren't as hard on myself as I was this time but the hubby is causing me so much stress from afar that it took it's toll on me right now! :)

  13. It's hard not to be hard on yourself, but you've got to let the past go (even if the past is cake from today) and move forward with a positive outlook.

    You have the best tool/trick of them all, right here with us and Mamavation.

    You can do this. You can overcome.

    Have a fabulous day!

  14. Oh my gosh, girl. Emotional eating is so very difficult to overcome. For me it just started with realizing I was doing it and committing to either getting rid of the bad food, or putting something good in my mouth instead. I just had to realize that it was happening and STOP. I can't say that I'm over it yet, but it's under control now. I hope this is a much better week for you! We're here when you need us.

  15. Stress stinks! Just pick yourself back up and try again.

    That's the best part about life, we can always change our direction!

  16. Thanks Lisa! You are right about moving past the cake! I did turn yet another piece down when my daughter offered it to me so that's progress. I just need to stick with the Mamavation Mamas!

  17. Thanks, Angela! Good plan of action! I need to stay focused!

  18. Hi Scarlett, you are right! I picked myself back up after reading all these great comments! :) Thanks!

  19. I hope this week gets better for you. Stress sucks!!

  20. Don't beat yourself up over some cake but also don't eat anymore. :) There once was a time that I had a lot of stress in my life and it caused anxiety. I read this book & it helped me so much! I highly recommend it to everyone who could use it.

    Here's the link to the book at Barnes & Noble:

    Chat soon ~ @lovelyritaann

  21. Sorry sweets I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  22. Sounds pretty rough, but you can push past all of this. We're here for you! <3

    If you need someone to talk to, I'm just a tweet away @chobysauce :)

  23. Thanks, Laura! It turned better as soon as I re-engaged myself with the Mamavation Mamas!

    LovelyRitaAnn, I'll definitely check it out as I need something! How did the contest go?

    Tiffany, you are so sweet and supportive, thank you!!!

    Roxy, you are right, I can do this! I watched something the other night that said you need to cut out the excuses as those little things keep you down so I will! Thank you!


Thank you!