Did you know that children in the U.S. today spend 50% less time outdoors than they did 20 years ago? It's no wonder with TV, the internet and video games that they are too occupied to get up and get moving.
This Saturday, June 12th, is the National Get Outdoors Day and the USDA Forest Service and the Ad Council are promoting this day to help you get your kids and families outdoor and spend some time in the forests getting reconnected with nature and all the great offerings an active lifestyle can give you.
The DiscoverTheForest.org website will give you the tools and motivation to get out there and build some memories while doing something good for all of your health!
At http://www.DiscoverTheForest.org you can find…
· An excellent “nature finder” tool that lets you simply type in your zip code and find the nearest forest, park or nature sanctuary
· Lots of fun online games that will teach parents and kids interesting things about nature, like how to identify wildlife tracks or use a compass
· Tips for parents on how to help get their kids outside and enjoying nature, including an activity book of stuff to do when out in nature
· You can fan them at facebook.com/DiscoverTheForest for access to fun photos, tips, nature information and much more
They're celebrating the great outdoors on Twitter, too. Discover The Forest’s Twitter “spokes-animal,” Cheecker the squirrel, has a hashtag (#DiscoverNature) for people to show their support for getting kids into nature.
Spread the word on Twitter with this message as I just did:
RT @cheecker Saturday is National Get Outdoors Day! Get out and #DiscoverNature with our site: http://bit.ly/bfQlh6

The Ad Council and the USDA Forest Service have also partnered with DreamWorks Animation for a new series of PSAs featuring Shrek. Want to help get your kids outside? Watch this video to remind yourself, and them, that surprises exist everywhere in the forest:
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