
Friday Blog Hop: Join In & Meet New People & Get New Followers

How to join in on the fun:

Add your main blog link to our McLinky, follow the hostesses in the first 2 spots (Home Grown Families and Mama to 3 Blessings) and then start blog hopping! This is a great opportunity for you to visit other blogs on the link up and comment on their blogs! Take a few moments to follow their blog! - this is a great way to get to know one another! Please only enter your blog link ONE time and G rated links ONLY please. Home Grown Families and Mama to 3 Blessings are family friendly blogs.

When people comment on your blog please let them know that you are part of Friday Blog Hop then return the favor and follow them back! This way everyone gets blog traffic and followers out of participating! Please feel free to grab our Friday Blog Hop button and add it to your blog and spread the word! The more who link up the the bigger the blog hop! Hope to see you there!

* Friday Blog Hop will run every Friday at 12:00 AM EST till Thursday 5:00 PM EST. 

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