
Sistahood Follow Along Week 6


Okay, it's follow along week six and I've been bad ... I mean bad but not as bad as stuffing a bag a chips around my head to munch all day.  I've been bad in that I didn't exercise as much as I should.  It was an off week as I spent the first part doing nothing and the second half worrying about my little almost three year old who developed a cold or allergy attack.  She's prone to crashing once she gets sick so I spend my time worrying about it will require a hospitalization or not.  So far so good but I really dislike pumping so much medicine into her.  Since she exhibited symptoms, she is receiving Flovent and Singulair as she does every day but now per the doctor, I had to add in Children's Claritin and Nasalcrom which she hates more than I hate seeing chocolate thrown away.  All in all, I'm just watching and waiting and praying as every time her dad is deployed, something like this happens.


Back to the not-so-good week.  I'm taking the girls to Orlanda to offset the sadness with dad in Kuwait so I'm hoping for a week full of healthy eating in spite of traveling.  We have a house with a pool so when we are not sightseeing, the plans are to have fruit, veggie and cheese trays to allow the girls to swim and eat in between.  I want healthier selections and with the hopeful heat, they will enjoy the cold taste of fresh fruit.  I also plan to stock up on the water versus sodas to eliminate those nasty empty calories, frankenfood chemicals and other bad stuff.

Effective June 1st, yeah, I know a new deadline and my husband already rolled his eyes when I gave him my new me update, I'm MAKING my pregnant daughter step up to the plate and start walking with me.  I plan to add more in the mix but that is that for now.  I finally figured it out that I need to throw in the movie 300 as I bike to get some Gerard motivation going on.  I also plan to kick up my level of involvement with the Sistas.

All in all, I gained nothing and lost nothing but I know that I need to:
  1. Understand that I want to lose weight not only for myself but for my kids.  I want to be around for many years to enjoy them, to be there for them and to be that one person they can always rely on.
  2. Effective June 1st, I will maintain my Excel spreadsheet of monitoring my weekly weigh in, calorie intake and exercise time.
  3. The idea of cooking with the kids is paying off and I already see a change in having them help cook with them actually eating so this will continue and be increased relative to more natural, organic and healthy foods.
  4. I will carry a current photo of myself and when temptation hits, I will look at it.  I will also carry a photo of me prior to the birth of my last child to show what I can be again.  If I visualize, it will happen.
  5. I will eat a healthy breakfast every day, I will eat at least four servings of fruits and vegetables a day, I will continuing eating whole grains and olive oil in place of non-healthy fats and I will exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
Watch Lives Change

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This week's Mamavation Monday sponsor is Open Sky so take a moment and check them out!


  1. Keep your head up girl and keep working hard to reach those goals! You can do it! We are here for you!

  2. Congrats for figuring out what works for you. And please get your daughter to walk with you (as long as her doctor says it's cool) because that will make delivery soooo much easier. My thoughts are with you and your family during your husband's deployment. Keep your head up.

  3. Different things work for different people and figuring out what works for us is a HUGE accomplishment! WTG!

  4. I used to sit there and fret about things. Now i exercise and the worry either goes away for a while OR i have enough sanity to deal with it. Either way, learning to turn to exercise when you are stressed will really benefit you. But I know it's a learning process. XXOO

  5. Just think of the example you are setting for your children through making healthy choices. That's my main motivation when I chose to live healthy

  6. Bwahahaha! You are giving your daughter a deadline, you crazy mom! How far along will she be, I hope she will feel up to it. I hope the trip will do good for you and your little ones. Enjoy that #realfood!!


Thank you!