
NEW Reinvented Dove® With Fiber Actives

Reinvented Dove Hair Care

Have you seen or heard of new Reinvented Dove with fiber actives?  For all those dastardly things we put our hair through such as coloring, blow drying, straightening, all of which I'm guilty of, Dove has a new line of products.  There is even a cute video on "My Favorite Things" here.

My participation as a BzzAgent allowed me the opportunity to learn more about the new reinvented Dove with fiber actives and I can't wait to try out my complimentary product as soon as it arrives.

My favorite part of Dove, which I do routinely use Dove products, is the Campaign for Real Beauty.  To learn more about it, click the link above and see how your purchases of Dove helps promote a campaign to increase confidence in our young girls and women alike.

Get your free sample here.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait till this comes int he mail.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate


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