
Minnie Mouse Paper Favor Cake

In between verifying all the entries for the Nintendo DS Light giveaway, I took a break to make my first ever paper favor cake.  It was very time consuming and I'm sure if I had the proper tools to score, it wouldn't have taken so long.  Overall, I'm happy with the turnout and plan to use this for Dani's birthday at the end of June.  We celebrated both girls birthday before their dad left for Kuwait so they are lucky to get yet another birthday but not as large as the last one.

It was a surprising easy project that involved finding and printing a template online and after cutting each one, scoring the creases and assembling the boxes, I placed a large ribbon around to keep it in place, secured it with a brad as I love those since they do the job and look great.  I then printed out a picture of Minnie and cut it out and used shish-ka-bob skewers to hold her and the names up.  Now I have to fill them with their favorite candy and little Minnie toys that I can find.

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