
Join Monday Madness

The Tuckers Take Tennessee

What is Monday Madness?

Monday Madness was created by mommy bloggers Micael and Meghan. Mommy, daddy, single, stay at home parent, working parent, blogger, non-blogger, pie lover, pie hater (who hates pie, seriously?)

My Monday Madness is getting Jamie off to school, Danielle up and running while working from home!

So what do I do to participate?

It's really easy to participate with us!  Just follow the steps below and you'll be set!
  1. Follow the hostess blogs at Saving Obsession and The Tuckers Take Tennessee for some Madness Lovin'.
  2. Grab the McLinky code and make a post on your blog about Monday Madness, so more people can join in the fun! Also grab the Monday Madness button on the right.
  3. Add your blog name and link to the McLinky below.
  4. Check out some of the blogs on the list and follow ones you like. Leave a comment to let them know you're from Monday Madness.
  5. If someone follows your blog, follow them back to keep the Madness going.
That's it! Visit and follow as few or as many blogs as you'd like! 

Youthful Tips


  1. Hello. I am here from MOnday Madness. I decided to follow you. I hope you will check me out. I am #4 Traci66 on Mr. Linky or I have been lining up some reviews and giveaways. I hope you will come join in on the fun.-Traci

  2. Hi! Stopping by from Monday madness! Hope you stop by my site! Can't wait to see all the giveaways on yours!


Thank you!