
Five Fun Family Vacation Activities Your Kids Will Love

I love family vacations but we don't get enough until now!  We are heading out to hopefully Disney soon and we cannot wait.  When TwitterMoms challenged us mommy bloggers to write about five fun family vacation activities your kids will love, I wanted to be a part of it and you can to by clicking here to join in.

  1. Disney is an obvious one and if you catch the right time of year, you can get some pretty great deals on hotel/ticket deals.  If you participated in a volunteer activity that qualifies, you also get a free day along with your special birthday date.  Who doesn't love Disney?
  2. Historical sites are always a winner with me as I love history.  To prepare for the trip, do some research and maybe see if the kids want to write a quick report on what to expect at the site or maybe a little something about the historical person.  By handing out fun assignments, it will make seeing the site even more fun.
  3. Camping is always one that pleases the kids and can be inexpensive if you camp out in a tent.  Think of all the fun you will have roasting marshmellows and weiners while playing games.  I remember going fishing when I was a kid and it was so much fun having that time with my family.
  4. Weekend trips to different close locations allows you more events over the summer while not breaking the bank account.  Maybe take a trip to a theme park, a zoo or a museum.  If you cut it down to two or three trips, it makes the anticipation of a summer filled with activities greater.  Some hotels have water parks like the one in Indianapolis.  You can rent a room and play all day at the indoor water park...that's fun!
  5. Make sure you research the area you are going to and look up the fun family events like arcades, putt putt golf, tubing, canoeing and other great activities that you can do as a family.  No matter where you go, there are always things to do as a family and if you get the entire family involved in the planning, it will make it more fun.  Remember to check out the local events as maybe there is a carnival or special summer type play that will appeal to the whole family.  

Vacations can be a little cheaper if you plan ahead and they can be more fun if you get the entire family involved in the planning!  I'm doing that with mine as we map out what all we will do and it's sure to be a great time as long as the weather cooperates but then we will be making a contingency plan too!

I wrote this blog post while participating in the Williamsburg Tourism and TwitterMoms blogging program for a chance to get a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

Fun Family Vacation Activities
Visit Williamsburg

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