
Adding Special Photo Touches to Gift Wrapped Packages: Martha Stewart & AdorableBabyClothing

Mother's Day is gone in terms of being able to send a gift on time and I already sent our gifts for the three mom's in our lives.  Luckily, Father's Day is approaching and this is a great idea to jazz up the presents for both my father, my father-in-law and my husband.  Since my husband is in Kuwait, he will miss out on the one on one pampering and love the girls would be giving him so thanks to Martha Stewart, we will bring it to Kuwait.

This great project is easy enough and we will have fun taking the special photos to adorn the package.  I think even dressing them up in little camo outfits or his favorite, mini fishermen. has these cute little outfits:

To make your own Martha Stewart Photo Toppers or see some of the other great projects, just click here.


  1. I love the new blog design! :)

  2. Thanks Jennifer! I've been playing around with different ones and now my buttons don't match. I was trying to look more professional and different from all the rest. Happy Mother's Day!


Thank you!