
5 Things on Your 'Honey-do' List That Never Get Done

I figured it out!  I've been asking my husband to get his list of "to do's" done to no avail.  Now he's in Kuwait so he lucked out unfortunately for me.  The list wasn't really complicated and wouldn't have taken too much time to complete other than maybe a few hundred hours or so (smile).  We have to put our house on the market as it's time to PCS or in non-military terms, move again as we do every three years.  I have a HUGE list now thanks to him escaping to his island retreat to his beautiful tropical paradise (well, not really a retreat nor a vacation).

My list includes:

  1. Replace the kitchen sink because the washer or something inside the hot water faucet is leaking all over my counter top.  Having towels to absorb it isn't very pretty.
  2. Regrout those same tiles in the kitchen.  They are due for a refresher and I'm starting to think it might be best to just blow out the kitchen and restart.
  3. The upstairs shower has a slow leak and with wanting to conserve water and money, this is a must!
  4. Nothing worse than trying to mow the yard with a crooked handle.  Everytime I change positions, the mower clunks and it's a little embarrassing.
  5. The big one includes a fear of a garage door crashing down on me!  The bolts have been slowly falling out and although putting them to the side might be out of sight, out of mind, I don't think it works that way!  
What's on your list?  Join the TwitterMoms and Service Live fun program here.

Did you wonder what I figured out?  Perhaps I just needed to find a cute little bee costume to ask him nicely!

Photo courtesy of HalloweenCostumes4U

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I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and ServiceLive blogging program to be eligible to receive $100 in ServiceLive Bucks. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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1 comment:

  1. Nicely done. Good luck with the contest and getting everything on the honey do list done...esp that garage door- lol. If you want to check my list out -


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