
Time to Get Frugal

With an upcoming job loss and hubby deploying to Kuwait on April 29th for a year, I'm putting us on a budget!  It will be the first time since 2003 that I was on a budget so this will be interesting.  I plan on utilizing all the saver blogger sites to find the best deals and coupons and while trying to stick to the game plan for Mamavation, find a healthier way to eat.

I just read an article on Yahoo about a few chefs were challenged to create a menu of items if a family of four were receiving welfare.  It was interesting as the first two chefs, that's where I stopped reading, prefers organic and natural foods and steers clear of processed foods.  My daughter who works as a cashier always tells me how people with food stamps buy premade cakes, premade food, the best chocolate and other non-necessities which is really sad as I'm sure there are kids needing better food at home.  Granted I'm not stating all people on food stamps do this but the one's that do, really should relook at what's best for the kids.  Anyway, I was disappointed to see the ideas for the menus looked good but there was no recipes.

I would love to have some good wholesome recipes for a budget.  Anyone have any?

Youthful Tips

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