
A Most Vivid Day by Justin Young Book Review

A Most Vivid Day!

A Most Vivid Day by Justin Young is a delightful book about a little black bat who encounters colors for the first time.  The author, Justin Young, takes an interesting spin on life as a bat and how they don't see colors due to their sleep habits.   It's a great story filled with new revelations, greedy animals and initiative to teach a valuable lesson.  This isn't your ordinary children's book and was very entertaining.  The illustrations are colorful and beautiful and capture the attention of all ages.

Justin Young studied fine art and printmaking in Seoul and eventually moved to New York study to study toy design.  He now resides in California and has worked as a fine artist, graphic designer, photographer and illustrator.

I would recommend A Vivid Day for the creativeness of turning something like a sunrise into such a fun experience with children.  Mr. Young has a very creative imagination to write such a fun book with equally wonderful illustrations to accompany it.  It's truly a must have!

Book Details:

40 pages · 8.75" x 10.75"
28 watercolor illustrations · For ages 4-8
$16.95 dust-jacketed hardcover
Pub date: 
May 2010

Published by 
Golden TreePress, an imprint of Dream Character, Inc.
Distributed by
Independent Publishers Group (

Available at bookstores, libraries, online, or by calling toll-free 

*Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a review.  I did not receive any financial compensation.

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