
Mamavation Monday

This week was another hard week with Easter and Easter dinner but I found a new love and that is salsa and chips.  I'm not sure how healthy it is but it's a viable snack that allowed me to lose another pound.  My husband is getting closer to deploying to Kuwait which is making it harder for me to stay committed to exercising.  He leaves on Thursday for a week to visit other family so I'm hoping to take full advantage of the time apart to kick it in to gear.

I'm also having some distractions involving work and hopefully that will pass.

I bought the kids some outdoor toys to encourage myself to go out and avoid the kitchen hoping the extra physical activity will also help to encourage everyone gets healthier!  Showing the kids how physical activity can be fun is very important to me since I am their ultimate role model and teacher.

My struggles this week were not eating the Easter candy!  I had three robin eggs, one big robin egg and one cadbury egg.  I did resist the cute little cupcakes and had one piece of apple pie.  So I did slip but I kept it somewhat contained.

This week's goal is to use my EA Active More Workouts MORE and drink more water, eat more veggies and fruits and get the girls involved in making some healthy dinners.

Next week, I hope to drop two pounds at least!

Thanks to all the Mamavation moms for their encouragement and if you haven't voted, don't forget to vote for my former weight loss online buddy Colleen!

Youthful Tips


  1. Great job at losing! Lets go kick some Active butt together this week! Thanks for your support!

  2. I am missing out on the Sports Active action -- EVERY BLOG I've stopped by tonight has mentioned using it.

    Man. I need to get on that bandwagon!

    *Hugs* over your husband's coming deployment. I'm sorry that your family has to deal with that right now, but thank you for being so courageous.

  3. Congratulations on the weight loss this week. The salsa is great, but as you get smaller the chips aren't going to cut it to help you lose weight. Check out the nutritional contents on the back and just eat the serving size. XXOO

  4. I hope this week has been going well for you and that you and your husband have been having some meaningful time with each other. You are a great role model for you kids in the fact that you are a strong military wife alone, being healthy just adds to what you are teaching them.


Thank you!