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An e-mail has just been sent and she has 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen via
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I can't imagine anything more thrilling and exciting than a baby. I loved each time I was able to purchase items for my children and now I get to do it again for my first grand baby. I'm already amazed at the great number of products available and the choices are nearly impossible to make. I belong to Zulily which is a sample site dedicated to children and baby items. Last week, there was a sale for Combi USA Activity Jumpers. On the surface, that may not mean much or illicit much enthusiasm but when you see how adorable and unique these are, you will see what I'm talking about:
Isn't that the cutest thing ever?As soon as I saw it, I had to know more. I always had the other boring (zzzzzz) jumpers that provided nothing more than the ability to let the baby jump. The Combi Activity Jumper is shaped as a car and they don't stop there. They are available in yellow, pink, red and black.
The Review:
I received a complimentary black Activity Jumper for this review and was even more impressed with the actual product. Here are some of the features:
- It's activated by two double A batteries that provides music, lights and sounds to stimulate a baby's senses. One button activates while the other button is a light horn. The sound is perfect and not overpowering as some toys are. It's a perfect blend of activity for any baby.
- The top portion has a locking feature to ensure it doesn't open up causing damage to the baby. Once the Activity Jumper is put together, which was effortless and so easy, it will lock in place. I'm not much for instructions but this was one of the easiest products I put together.
- The removable and wipeable seat is made of a durable material that looks like leather and is coordinated with the color of the car. It is absolutely adorable.
- It's lightweight at only 5.2 pounds so it makes installation easy.
- The extended front end provided me with extra security as I was always fearful my child would bump her head on the door frame but with the Combi USA Activity Jumper, I had none.
I definitely recommend this product!
About Combi:
Combi is a shortened word for "combination" referring to mother and child. Combi USA, Inc., was established in 1989 and is a subsidiary of Combi Corporation. Combi Corporation, established in 1961, is a Japan-based company that has years of experience with their products. Combi has all the products you need for your baby such as:
- Strollers
- Car Seats
- Travel Systems
- High Chairs
- Play Yards
- Walkers
- Bouncers/Rockers
- Jumpers
- Feeding BPA Free
- Accessories
All-In-One Activity Walker:
I wanted to focus on the walkers as once again, Combi reached outside the norm and introduced car shaped walkers. The All-In-One Activity Walker comes in a colorful blend or hues that provides a playful, stimulating experience. The bounce feature can be locked to ensure safety, anti-skid pads, a steering wheel with lights and sounds, attached mirrors to create more fun and a removable hood for a snack/play tray. As with the Jumper, the seat is wipeable. Looks like my grand baby will have to have one of these too!
The Giveaway:
One LUCKY reader will win their very own Combi Activity Jumper in the color of their choice!
To Enter:
Visit Combi USA and tell me what other product you would like and follow my blog.
Bonus Entries:
- Become a friend of Combi on Facebook (five entries).
- Follow me on Twitter (two entries).
- Subscribe to my blog (two entries).
- Fan me on Facebook (two entries).
- Blog about this giveaway (five entries).
- Tweet about this giveaway (two entries - can be done daily).
- Enter any of my other live giveaways (five entries).
- Get five bonus entries to any and all on-going giveaways if you go to this post and then to the sponsor site and like their Facebook page, return and leave a comment that you became Facebook fans on the post.
US only please.
*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product from the sponsor company. I received no financial compensation for this review.
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I subscribe via google reader and I would LOVE to have their create your own travel system, it looks so cool!
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Follow! I love the All ine One activity walker in black :) jenprincess88 at aol dot com
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I follow and i love the Pod Bouncer! I really like the color combo.
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The Combi Here 3 in 1 highchair looks really nice!
High Chair Hero 3-in-1 really love it.
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I like the Jazz Sport Play Yard and I follow on google friend connect publicly.
LOVE the Pod Bouncer.
Thanks for the chance.
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follow. I really like the pod bouncer.
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I like their hero 3 in 1 high chair! (I follow)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I'd Love to have the Combi Hero 3 in 1 highchair in Wasabi! Saw several of the Combi car seats at a child passenger safety update this week, what a respectable company. Very thought out SAFE seats!
5 Ent Nintendo-Jenprincess88 at aol dot com
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