
10 Tips for Organizing Your Family

Being an Army family, we are on the go every three months so organization is very critical to relocations.  Having five children with two of those having chronic medical conditions also entails a need for organization.  I can't imagine any family not requiring some sort of organization and pending your personality, you have very direct ones or you might have few.  TwitterMoms and Icon Apps is sponsoring this great contest where I might win a $50 gift card to Target and with a summer full of birthdays coming, this will come in handy if I win.

For me, I have found some ways that really do help in organizing:
  1. From a health organization, I utilize my iPod application in monitoring my food intake and exercise calories burned.  This is a great organization in ensuring I'm eating healthier and not off track with my goals.
  2. I use a bin system for the kids on a shelf in my office.  They are allowed to utilize it for items that they might use frequently.  The bins hold only a limited amount thus keeping down clutter.
  3. I use an USB device to store all my children's medical records.  This allows a quick and easy way to provide access to the doctors when we move or for medical records.  The USB device allows us to store medical records, legal records or anything else we need.  It is definitely going to aid us in an enormous way when we need it.
  4. My iPod is also used as an alarm reminder in administering the twice a day medications to both children.  This enables me to better organize my time without having to have the constant worry of trying to remember medication times.
  5. Since writing this post, I am now going to incorporate Intuition from IconApps as it allows me to write out my grocery list as I can't read my own writing and this will save me so much time.
  6. Another organization tip I have is I use automatic refill with my pharmacy.  When scripts are ready to be refilled, it's automatic and when they run out, they call the doctor's office for me.  This saves time and allows me to maintain a better organization of my children's medications.
  7. To save money, I keep old party supplies and keep them in tubs labeled with each holiday.  This not only saves money but allows for a quick find for whatever my needs are.  I've used these bins on numerous occasions and since they are easy to find and labeled, it saves me time and energy.
  8. For my blogging, I utilize Microsoft to organize my PR letters, my giveaways, my links and so much more.  Being able to copy and paste quickly saves me time and allows for better records.  It also helps to keep things organized as I run this blog, my daughter's blog and the school's PTO website.
  9. For addresses and cards, I keep another Word document with all the names and addresses for quick reference.  I'm bad with address books and this enables a quick and easy way to maintain a log.
  10. Finally, the toy room!  I use a three bin piece of furniture that stores the girl's toys downstairs.  Whatever they can fit in the bin can stay.  Everything else has to stay upstairs.  This really cuts down on the clutter and makes clean up so much easier when you have those last minute guests pop in that only come over when the house isn't clean.
Do you have any good tips to share?  Want to enter this contest?  Just go here and special thanks to TwitterMoms and IconApps.


This post is part of a blogging contest from the TwitterMoms community. There is a chance this post could be randomly selected to win a $50 Target GiftCard, so wish me luck!
For more details, you can view the contest page here (
Youthful Tips

1 comment:

  1. I like tip #3 - store medical records in a USB device. I need to do that.

    Good-luck with the Twitter Mom contest!!


Thank you!