
Week Three of Nutrisystem

I'm ending week three of my Nutrisystem program and have struggled along the way.  The first time I tried Nutrisystem, it was easier and I find myself being hungry more than I was but am hoping it will pass soon enough.  One of my problems is I get little sleep so that doesn't help with the hunger and the number of allowed calories.  However, the number of calories allowed is more than adequate and the food is good.  With any program, the food isn't always great pending on what you choose and you learn from trial and error.  One of the reasons I quit the first time is they substituted a lot of my food choices with foods that I don't like such as mushrooms.  I rejoined due to the guarantee clause added and much to my surprise, only a few items were substituted.

For those of you not aware of Nutrisystem, the plan isn't just their food.  It  does have a great online feature that allows you to track your intake, your exercise, your water intake and any journal thoughts.  I love the electronic food diary as it has drop down menus allowing you to quickly choose your food you consumed while an easy way to add foods that are prepopulated.  Each day is full of fruit and vegetable choices too so you get to snack and supplement the Nutrisystem food.  My favorite is the desert ... grin!

With next month's shipment, I choose to pay a little more and I purchased the frozen breakfast, lunch and snack meals for one week.  I decided to supplement those days where I'm more tired or just feeling blah.

To date, I've lost six pounds in three weeks.

Youthful Tips

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip on the electronic food diary. I will have to check it out. I am on week 3 as well. Down 6.6 pounds.

    Yay for us.


Thank you!